Peace Valley Poultry

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Chicks for sale!

We are now selling chicks!

These are day old, Cornish X chicks, the exact ones we raise here on the farm. Delivered day of hatch in a climate controlled truck, you’ll get 100 straight run chicks for $135.00… $1.35 a bird!  Cornish X chicks grow well and have excellent flavor.

Raising poultry is a great way to instruct children on where their food comes from and provides many a teachable moment(s) while raising the chicks into finished meat birds.

Also, if you have land that could benefit from chicken manure, moving your own chickens across that ground will help to fertilize it. 

Can PVP butcher my chickens when they are grown? No, that is not something we can legally do here. However we will happily recommend processors for you to use.

Where and when can I pick up the chicks? We can meet you near Springfield, Cabool or West Plains. We will be available to meet most Mondays from March 18th to September 2nd.

How fast do they grow? When well fed, these chicks will be ready for processing at about 6-8 weeks. Our target weight is 4-5lbs.

How can I order? Please email, with “Day Old Chicks” in subject line. You can also call (417)277-5869.

We hope this will be one more way we can help our customers and meet a need.

FRESH CHICKEN IS COMING SOON! Our first processing/selling date for fresh chicken at the farm is May 22.

First delivery dates with fresh chicken are: Mansfield/Springfield, June 13; Rolla, June 27, and Winona/ Van Buren, June 21.

We are looking forward to seeing you then! Thank you!