Spring Newsletter 2019!
Only six days from Spring and it looks like it won’t get here until the very last minute. We get our first batch of chicks in four days regardless of the weather because we will need fresh chicken by mid May.
The early batches of chickens almost always present a challenge because of the possibilities of extreme weather. I read some interesting thoughts from a rancher in Africa. He wrote that comparing the cow/calf beef industry with confinement raised chicken, pork and dairy is not applicable because the confinement farms do not have to deal with the environment. Comparing confinement chicken to pasture raised chicken is also not applicable. We who farm on pasture have to deal with the weather and all its extremes. He called this dealing with chaos and I tend to agree. Then he wrote this:
What needs to change is our thinking and understand LAND IS A SOLAR PANEL and the effectiveness of that SOLAR PANEL is determined by the plants that grow there. This in turn is determined by the FERTILITY OF THE SOIL (Carbon and soil Life) which is manipulated by using Ruminants, using STOCK DENSITY AND TIME.
This is the take away that I get. Properly managed ruminants (and poultry to a lesser degree) ON the land help soil fertility which increases effectiveness of the solar panel which increases the water and nutrient cycle of the soil which makes for healthier food.
This is our goal!
Last year’s stampede of pastured turkey!
As we look forward to spring, here is a brief summary of what we offer!
Field-grazed Poultry: Our poultry is moved from the brooder to the pasture at week 3 and then moved every day to fresh grass. They eat insects, legumes and grass, as well as an antibiotic-free, non-GMO ration of corn and soy, prepared here on the farm, that we feed them. We source the grains directly from the farmer and pass the savings along to you. The last few years, one of the farmers is our neighbor. We dress the poultry at our on-farm processing facility. Customers pick up their fresh poultry at our farm the same day, or at a delivery location soon after. Chickens: Ordering is not required if you get less than 10. For parts you may want to order, to make sure you get what you want. Turkeys: please order in advance. Available in November.
Pasture-finished Beef (individual parts or bulk)
Our beef is finished on pasture instead of feedlot grain. These beeves have been given no antibiotics. $200 deposit for a 1/2 beef and $400 for a whole beef. We expect to process in June, and have already started getting orders. Frozen parts are currently available.
Prices will be the same as last year, until further notice.
Purchasing Dates and Times:
FARM: 1ST WEDNESDAYS, 3-6 P.M June - October, also May 22.
Other Wednesdays, by appointment -- just let us know you are coming, 3-6 p.m.
DELIVERY: Springfield, 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS noon to 12:30 pm., June-October.
Mansfield, same days as Springfield, contact us for time.
Rolla, 4th THURSDAYS, 4 p.m., June-October.
Winona, First delivery, Friday, June 21.(9:15 a.m.) / Van Buren (10 a.m.) June 21.
Chicks: We are now offering day old chicks on Mondays, in batches of 100, for $1.35/chick. We can meet you near West Plains, Springfield, or Cabool. These are the same Cornish Cross chickens that we raise. Call or email to order.
To order meat: Go to the order page, email us at orders.pvpoultry@gmail.com, or call us at 417-277-5869.
For prices, go to https://pvpoultry.com/prices
For dates of deliveries, go to https://pvpoultry.com/dates.
For location of deliveries, and stores and restaurants that sell or serve our chicken, go to https://pvpoultry.com/locations
Hope you have had a healthy and blessed winter!
Jim & JudyJo Protiva
“He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” Matthew 8:17b