Quality Assurance -- Somebody has to do it!
On last Thursday my son in law Tobias helped me make the Springfield chicken
delivery. He was great help. It was the first time he made the trip
with me and he was awed with the under ground frozen storage where we
keep the chickens. Tobias is no newcomer to pastured poultry though.
His family started in 1994, two years before we did. We first learned
how to butcher chickens at his family's farm south of Rolla.
I planned our route so that Farmers (also known as Farmer's Gastro Pub)
was our last stop. Unfortunately Andy had a funeral to attend so Tobias
did not get to witness his great sense of humor. We decided it would be
prudent to sample the chicken that we supply to make sure the quality
was up to snuff. The fried chicken dinner was superb (if I say so
myself). I think the chicken we ate was from a batch processed on May
30, 2019 and it tasted as fresh and juicy as if it were a week old.
Good job Cold Zone for keeping it frozen and good job chefs for the
great job cooking the chicken. I thought about taking a selfie with my
food but thankfully my phone has no camera.